The Anti-Smoke Magnetic Patch is a smoking cessation device consisting of a pair of bio-magnets worn on the inside and outside of the upper ear at a specific pressure point. The magnets work through the famous Auricular Therapy and use the principles of acupuncture to release the same endorphins in the brain which are released when a cigarette is smoked.
A smoker can still smoke while using the magnets, but they may notice that the cigarette isn't as appealing and they will gradually lose their desire to smoke, generally within one week. Auricular Therapy was discovered by Dr. Paul Nogier in the 1950s, when he noticed the connection between areas on and within the ear which, when stimulated, relieved pain in corresponding parts of the body.
The magnets are worn in a specific spot on the ear which corresponds to an area in the brain that activates when a cigarette is smoked. The Anti-Smoke Magnetic Patch is an FDA-listed medical device that serves as a chemical-free substitute for smoking and has no nicotine, as do many other stop smoking aids.
No chemicals, no pills, No problems
Side Effect: No
Material: 24k Gold Magnetic Casing
Therapy: Magnetic Auricular Therapy
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